Source code for chemios.spectrometers._oceanoptics

''' Chemios Ocean Optics Module
#import seabreeze.spectrometers as sb
import numpy as np
from chemios.utils import convert_to_lists
import pandas as pd

#Note to self: Make the buffer a list of dictionaries each with the stage position and spectraself.
#Use pop(0) to pop off the first spectra in the buffer when get_spectrum is called
[docs]class OceanOptics(object): """Class to define the spectrometers Attributes: spectrometer_model (str): Model of the spectrometer (e.g., FLMS02673) seabreeze (:obj:): Seabreeze.spectrometers object """ def __init__(self, spectrometer_model, seabreeze): self.spectrometer_model = spectrometer_model # Spectrometer model number self.seabreeze = seabreeze self.spectrometer_on = False # Initialize the spectrometer to off # Initialize wavelengths_splice, normalized_absorbance, and fluorescence to empty self.blank_intensities = [] self.dark_intensities = [] self.buffer = [] #Check that the spectrometer is connected try: self.ocean_optics = self.seabreeze.Spectrometer.from_serial_number(self.spectrometer_model) self.ocean_optics.close() except Exception: raise IOError("Spectrometer not connected") def __enter__(self): ## Initialize self.ocean_optics to be a spectrometer from seabreeze package try: self.ocean_optics = self.seabreeze.Spectrometer.from_serial_number(self.spectrometer_model) self.spectrometer_on = True return self except Exception: raise IOError("Spectrometer not connected") def __exit__(self, *args): #Close the spectrometer object on exit try: self.ocean_optics.close() except Exception: pass
[docs] def read_spectrometer_raw(self, integration_time): """Function to print the raw data from the spectreomter Args: integration_time (float): Integration time in microseconds Yields: Numpy matrix with first column as wavelengths and second column a intensisties """ # if not self.spectrometer_on: # raise NameError("Spectrometer not connected") # Setting the integration time into the spectrometer and integrating self.ocean_optics.integration_time_micros(integration_time) # Assigning wavelength values into wavelengths wavelengths = self.ocean_optics.wavelengths() # Assigns intensity into intensities array intensities = self.ocean_optics.intensities(correct_dark_counts=True, correct_nonlinearity=True) #Return spectrum array with wavelengths and intensities spectrum = [wavelengths, intensities] output = [[],[]] #Convert int64 to int for i, column in enumerate(spectrum): for value in column: try: output[i].append(float(value)) except AttributeError: pass except TypeError: pass return output
[docs] def store_blank(self, blank): """ Method to save blank intensisties Args: blank (array): Two column array of wavelengths and intesities """ if isinstance(blank, list): #assuming it a two column array of wavelengths and intensities self.blank_intensities = blank[1] else: raise ValueError('Please pass an array of wavelengths and intensities')
[docs] def store_dark(self, dark): """ Method to save dark intensisties Args: dark (array): Two column array of wavelengths and intesities """ if isinstance(dark, list): #assuming it a two column array of wavelengths and intensities self.dark_intensities = dark[1] else: raise ValueError('Please pass a list of wavelengths and intensities')
[docs] def absorbance_read(self, integration_time, scans_to_average, filter=0, normalized=False): """ Function to read the UV data from the spectrometer Stores the normalized absorbance and flourescence data into Spectrometer Object Args: integration_time (float): Integration time in microseconds scans_to_average (int): Number of scans to average over filter (int, optional): The starting point for the Spectrum (e.g, start from the 300th data point). Defaults to use the whole spectram normalize (bool): If true, absorbances will be normalized to the maximum absorbance. Defaults to false. Yields: Numpy array with first column as wavelengths and second column as absorbance """ #check types if not isinstance(scans_to_average, int): raise ValueError('Please pass an integer number of scans to average') if not isinstance(filter, int): raise ValueError('Please pass an integer number for filter') #Make sure dark and blanks exist if len(self.dark_intensities) == 0: raise ValueError("Please save dark values") if len(self.blank_intensities) == 0: raise ValueError("Please save blank values") # If the spectrometer is on if not self.spectrometer_on: raise NameError("Spectrometer not connected") #Set integration time self.ocean_optics.integration_time_micros(integration_time) #Get wavelengths and drop useless data wavelengths = self.ocean_optics.wavelengths() wavelengths_splice = np.array(wavelengths[filter:]) #Subtract dark from blank blank = np.array(self.blank_intensities[filter:]) dark = np.array(self.dark_intensities[filter:]) blank_minus_dark = np.subtract(blank, dark) #Find absorbance averaged over requested number of scans average_buffer = [[] for i in range(scans_to_average)] for i in range(scans_to_average): average_buffer[i] = self.ocean_optics.intensities(correct_dark_counts=True, correct_nonlinearity=True) average_intensities = np.mean(average_buffer, axis = 0) #average element wise the arrays intensities_splice = np.array(average_intensities[filter:]) intensities_splice_minus_dark = np.subtract(intensities_splice, dark) absorbance = -np.log10(blank_minus_dark/intensities_splice_minus_dark) if normalized: maximum = np.amax(absorbance) absorbance = absorbance/maximum #Remove Nans absorbance = [x for x in absorbance if ~np.isnan(x)] #Return spectrum array with wavelengths and absorbances spectrum = [wavelengths_splice, intensities_splice] output = [[],[]] #Convert int64 to int for i, column in enumerate(spectrum): for value in column: try: output[i].append(float(value)) except AttributeError: pass except TypeError: pass return output
def fluorescence_read(self,integration_time, scans_to_average, filter=0): raise NotImplementedError()